Unleashing the Power of Writing: The Two Non-Negotiable Rules You Can’t Afford to Ignore

There are many unsaid guidelines that one has to follow to become a good writer. In this article, I share two fundamental rules of writing. I call them the non-negotiables.

Writing and speaking are two of the most popular models of communication. We use them every day, yet most people don’t pay attention to the rules that govern them. In this article, I want to highlight what I consider the two most important rules of writing for effective communication.

Rule #1: Read More

In today’s world, many writers are not avid readers. They love to write but hate to read. Reading can seem like a daunting exercise, requiring focus and mental engagement to understand the text. However, reading is essential for becoming a better writer.

Reading stimulates your mind, enhances your reasoning abilities, and empowers you to make meaningful contributions to arguments. By reading widely, you can develop a clear, consistent, and compelling writing style that engages readers. You’ll also learn how to communicate effectively with others, beyond just exchanging information.

Moreover, reading helps you construct better sentences, improves your grammar, and enriches your vocabulary. By learning different communication styles through the write-ups of others, you’ll learn how to connect with others on a deeper level. Believe me, that if you want to be a good writer, reading is a non-negotiable!

Rule #2: Do Not Write Like You Speak

Many people view writing as the textual version of speaking, but this is not entirely accurate. While both involve using words, the style, construction, connection, and impact of writing differ from those of speaking.

For example, when we speak, we may use colloquialisms or slang that are inappropriate in formal writing. Similarly, we may use filler words, like “um” and “uh,” when speaking, but these have no place in written communication.

To be an effective writer, you must be conscious of the differences between writing and speaking. You should aim to write in a clear, concise, and professional style that conveys your message effectively. Avoid using slang, colloquialisms, and filler words, and instead, choose words that best capture your intended meaning.

In conclusion, these two fundamental rules of writing can help you become a better communicator. By reading more and writing with intentionality, you can develop a writing style that engages your readers and conveys your message effectively. So, take these rules to heart and start improving your writing today!

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